About a month (or so) ago now, I found myself in a little bit of a funk with my blog and Instagram. I took a good two weeks off of social media and during that time, I reflected , brainstormed, listened to new podcasts, and got myself in a position where I was motivated and excited about my job again. I came out of those two weeks ready with a ton of new content and videos I couldn’t wait to get started on…and then COVID-19.
Like many of you, this is all that has been on my mind. Not only is it an extremely scary time in the world, it has also brought a dramatic shift in daily rituals.

If you are in a position where you are fortunate enough to work from home (which I realize I am and am extremely grateful for) it is important we do not take this time for granted or lose site of our goals and the things that make us feel good. We can take this time to grow, learn, maintain or even start healthy habits.

When I originally left the city and came Upstate to be with my family, I wasn’t expecting to be here for over a month. I realized that not having or doing the little things that I am used to was really throwing my days off, until I decided to do a few things to get back on track. Keep scrolling to find out what.


Get Dressed

…and by dressed I mean, out of pajamas or old baggy sweatpants. One of the best ways to feel confident and some-what ‘ready’ for a day of work is by dressing the part. While I am definitely not putting on jeans right now, pajamas all-day everyday isn’t the most productive choice..for me atleast. I ordered a few cute lounge sets just to keep me feeling motivated and up for the day. I am keeping them as cute and inexpensive as I can find.


Stay Active

Keep yourself fit and motivated with an at-home workout. If you are used to working out everyday, I think it is important to continue to do that or use this as a time to start. I have been slacking in this department, but made it a point to start again yesterday. Working out makes you feel good (one thing that you can control right now) and it creates a sense of normalcy in your day-to-day schedule.


Self Care

Look Your Best While Doing The Least. IDK about you guys, but I have worn zero makeup for weeks and it feels great, but the things I have been missing? My favorite Dermalogica skincare products, which were left behind in NYC. I am so so thankful that the team was kind enough to send them here. They are coming tomorrow and I cannot wait. Changing our perspective and finding joy in the little things can help lift your spirits. Experiment with new products, take a long bath, meditate, or even give yourself a little glow-up. Do something that makes you feel good and/or helps relieve stress.


What are some things that are keeping you guys on track right now?
Let me know in the comments below. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

xx NOM